Message phone number (925) 255-5143

We now have a message phone number, (925) 255-5143.  You can leave a message including your name, address, city, phone, email, class you want to attend and any other information. We will respond within one business day typically.

Annual Exercise Plans Announced

Lamorinda CERT will hold it’s 2013 Annual Exercise in conjunction with a City of Lafayette Safety Fair on Saturday, October 12th at Stanley Middle School. CERT members will demonstrate their skills at a series of locations around the fair. We will have Fire...

New CALL-OUT Policy

A new CALL-OUT Policy has been approved and is posted under the RESOURCES tab. All CERTs should read this policy. It wouldn’t hurt to print and keep it in your CERT backpack.

Training Videos Added

A link has been added to a series of disaster training videos from Just In Time Training. Go to menu Training -> Disaster Training Videos to see a listing of all the available videos.